So we did not get any major news announced during Disney’s Q1 FY20 Earnings Results Webcast that was held on Tuesday, CEO Bob Iger did however reveal a few bits of information related to Star Wars, and most notably about The Mandalorian Disney+ series.
Iger said that Season 2 of the live-action series will be premiering in October which is what Jon Favreau revealed back in December 2019. Iger mentioned that that more Mandalorian could will be coming beyond Season 2. How much more in terms of additional seasons was not said. But the good news is that it sounds like The Mandalorian series will not be going away anytime soon, hell yeah!
Iger continued to expanded further on The Mandalorian, saying the series could see the implementation of new/familiar characters into the series, which could lead to those characters being green-lit for their own Disney+ spin-off series. What?!!! Again, no specifics on this topic were revealed, but looks like Disney appears to be using The Mandalorian as a launching pad for a lot more future Star Wars series down the road. We could not be happier at AllForSciFi.Com and hope that is what this all means.
Upon wraping up, Iger reiterated again that theatrical Star Wars films have been placed on pause for now as Disney looks to direct their focus towards the TV side.