We at AllForSciFi.Com want to wish everyone visiting our growing website a wonderful year and great start to the 20’s decade and beyond!
2020 will be a very exciting year for sci-fi movies. Even though there will be no releases and major blockbusters from Avengers or Star Wars. This will leave room for other Sci-Fi movies and shows to get their moment to shine in the Universe.
We say that it will be good because their are a couple intriguing ones that will be on the 2020 calendar from Bill & Ted Face the Music to Denis Villeneuve’s Dune to end the year 2020 out.
Here are the sci-fi films coming in 2020 (at least so far)—and we will let you decide if they’re worth your time or not.
Release: January 10, 2020
Alien ripoffs are a genre all their own, and Underwater is the latest to take Ridley Scott’s sci-fi horror recipe and run with it. We’ve got a buzzcut heroine running through corridors and trying to escape some unseen monster. Only this time, it’s underwater. I think this one is a safe pass.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Release: February 14, 2020
The story of the troubled production behind the Sonic film is almost as well-known as the game franchise it’s trying to bring to the big screen. After the release of the first trailer in spring 2019, the internet resoundingly panned Sonic’s design, a far departure from the game’s depiction of the famous character. In an unprecedented move, Paramount decided to heed the mounting criticism and redesigned Sonic throughout the entire movie. Its latest trailer, released in the fall, looks much better. But we’ll reserve any glowing praise once we’ve finally seen the thing.
Release: February 21, 2020
Based on a Valiant comic book character, Bloodshot is a super soldier powered by nanotechnology (that feels like it could be a Hobbs & Shaw sequel). Vin Diesel’s been known for elevating otherwise forgettable action films (Pitch Black), saving them from cinematic obscurity. While this looks like another superhero-of-the-month action flick, maybe Diesel can help save this one, too.
Invisible Man
Release: February 28, 2020
Any adaptation of an H.G. Wells classic is going to grab our attention, and Invisible Man is no exception.Starring Elizabeth Moss, the Invisible Man trailer takes Wells’ work, updates it, and creates what feels like a film speaking to today’s Me Too movement. If the films actually achieves the comparison is hard to say, but we’ll be watching to find out.
A Quiet Place: Part II
Release: March 20, 2020
John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place was an undeniable sleeper hit of 2018, equipped with an interesting premise and some solid storytelling. Is there enough here to sustain a second film? Likely not, but we’re hoping we’re wrong.
The New Mutants
Release: April 3, 2020
Not that we need another superhero movie or anything, but The New Mutants at least looks like a refreshing take on the genre, mostly taking place inside an insane asylum (from what we can tell from the trailer). In the world of comic films, the X-Men have always been slightly more competent at making something worth watching, especially when compared to DC films. Here’s hoping The New Mutants is more Logan than Dark Phoenix.
Monster Problems

Release: April 17, 2020
Don’t know much about this one other than “monster apocalypse,” which is enough for us honestly
Fast & Furious 9

Release: May 22, 2020
2019’s Hobbs & Shaw officially crossed the sci-fi barrier for the Fast & Furious franchise. Cybernetic implants? Check. Superhuman powers? Check. It’s uncertain whether this spin-off’s sci-fi influences will make their way to Fast & Furious 9, but we’re just covering our bases here.
Artemis Fowl
Release: May 29, 2020
Movies have been trying to chase that Harry Potter YA success for years. Is Artemis Fowl up to the task? Based on a science fiction-fantasy (our two favorite things) of the same name, the eight-novel-long saga weaves together an unbelievable story that’s too complex to tell in a few words. The books are up to the task, now it’s up to the filmmakers to take that HP crown.
Six Billion Dollar Man

Release: June 5, 2020
Adjusted for inflation, the Six Billion Dollar Man is one of the most snakebit films in Hollywood history. The film has languished in development hell ever since Kevin Smith took a stab at the script in 1995. Now, Travis Knight is finally going to deliver the film to big screens. With only one directing credit under his name, the surprisingly successful transformer spinoff Bumblebee, Knight will likely have to work some similar magic in order to get this film to register at the box office.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Release: July 10, 2020
Fool me twice, shame on me. Ghostbusters: Afterlife likely wants to right the ship after 2016’s disastrous Ghostbusters reboot. This time the film will be a direct sequel to Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 rather than some sort of pseudo-sequel like Paul Feig’s misguided attempt. It very well could be good, but I won’t hold my breath.
Release: July 17, 2020
Few things excite movie-goers than a new Christopher Nolan film. Apart from its first two-minute trailer, little is known about Nolan’s new project, Tenet, and until mid-December, we thought it was going to be a full-on spy thriller. But we’re seeing so many sci-fi elements (some definite timey-wimey stuff), we’re pretty confident that Tenet could be one of the top sci-fi(ish) films of the year.

Release: August 7, 2020
Based on D. Eric Maikranz’s The Reincarnation Papers, Infinite deals with a secret society called Cognomina, a group of people who can perfectly recall their past lives. Sounds good (and weird) to me.
Bill & Ted Face the Music

Release: August 21, 2020
We’re suckers for time travel movies, and we’re particular suckers for Bill & Ted time travel movies. So it’s no surprise that we’re eagerly awaiting the return of the Wyld Stallyns. Face the Music comes nearly 30 years after Bill & Ted’s last adventure, A Bogus Journey. With both actors being more dad than rad, this will likely be a slightly different film than what’s come before it.
Monster Hunter

Release: September 4, 2020
Hollywood has yet to crack the video game film. While many attempts have been made, no video game film has really delivered with overwhelming success. With Paul W.S. Anderson at the helm (we liked Event Horizon and that’s about it) and Milla Jovovich as the lead, we’re already getting Resident Evil flashbacks. Hopefully, the master martial artist Tony Jaa can help take Monster Hunter to the next level.

Tom Hanks in The Circle.1978 FILMS
Release: October 2, 2020
Another “Last Man on Earth” film, but this time the last man is Tom Hanks. Yep, we’ll watch that.

Release date: November 6, 2020
At this point, you can likely guess what the Eternals will be. A cosmic superhero journey that has all the good superhero action you expect. The Eternals are descendants of humans, meant to be our protectors, but the Deviants have other plans. All our love to Jack Kirby’s original creation, but this film will likely be classic Good, perhaps Very Good, but ultimately forgettable once you leave the theater. Let’s hope for a Black Panther-level surprise.
Godzilla Vs. Kong

Release: November 20, 2020
Godzilla has come and gone twice without leaving much impact—it’s unlikely that third time’s a charm. This could be just the film to get your blood pumping during the tail end of fall, but this feels more like a non-committal Netflix watch a few months down the road.

Release: December 18, 2020
An absolute monster of a film that’s poised to be the Next Big Sci-fi franchise. Starring everyone imaginable, including Timothée Chalamet, Jason Momoa, Oscar Isaac, Dave Bautista, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgård, Javier Bardem, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, Dune is the 2020 interpretation of one of sci-fi’s most holy texts—Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel of the same name. An epic clash between the houses Atreides and Harkonnen unfolds on the spice-rich world of Arrakis, and the struggle’s outcome will change the universe forever.
The Tomorrow War

Release: December 25, 2020
Like we said, sucker for time travel movies. The plot is simple, a war so devastating in the future requires humanity to look to the past for recruitment. While the temporal physics of that plot description makes our brain hurt (disappearing ancestors seems…problematic), we’re willing to suspend belief for a least a few hours to give this film a shot.
2020 Films With TBD Release Dates

Green Knight
Release: TBD 2020
Ok, so not technically sci-fi but it does have a knight who carries around his own severed head so we’re including it. Rumored to star Dev Patel and directed by David Lowery, who’s film A Ghost Story was one of the best from 2017, it’s hard to not be excited for this cinematic take on the 14th-century epic romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Chaos Walking
Release: TBD 2020
Preliminary Verdict: Looks promising
Based on Patrick Ness’s The Knife of Never Letting Go, Chaos Walking has the trappings of other YA novels that have been less than enthusiastically received (i.e. Divergent and Maze Runner). But with producers like Robert Zemeckis and leads like Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley, this one just might turn out differently. A post-apocalyptic tale where only men have survived a deadly disease, the hero Tom Hewitt discovers that things aren’t what they seem when he stumbles upon Viola Eade (Daisy Ridley). We’re intrigued.
After Yang
Release: TBD 2020
Based on Alexander Weinstein’s short story Saying Goodbye to Yang, this film is set in the future where robotic children help raise human children as live-in help. But when one robotic family member, Yang, becomes non-responsive, a father and daughter will do everything it can to save its life. Starring Collin Ferrell, directed by Kogonada (Columbus), and distributed by A24? This could be one of the smartest sci-fi films of the year.
Release: TBD 2020
As the title suggests, Stowaway is the story of a mission to Mars and a spaceship that has one too many passengers. With the journey planned for only a certain amount of people, well, you can see where this is headed. Starring Anna Kendrick, this is one sci-fi journey we’re willing to risk.
Release: TBD 2020
The biggest problem with space travel are the long distances. In Voyagers, 30 men and women go on a multi-generational voyage for a new home. But we can assume things don’t go well because the film’s director Neil Burger describes the film as “Lord of the Flies for a new generation.” So rarely do deep space missions go without a hitch.
Release: TBD 2020
David H. Wilson, author of 2011’s Robopocalypse, has been compared to sci-fi writers like Michael Crichton and Robert A. Heinlein—let’s hope the film lives up to these daunting literary accolades. Steven Spielberg was at the helm of this film for years until it changed hands in 2017 to explosion-prone director Michael Bay. We’ll reserve judgement, but it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a Michael Bay film we really liked.